Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's time for a review, boys.

**DISCLAIMER** I take the liberty of speaking what's on my mind in my blog.  It's not meant to offend or personally attack anyone.  I'm simply expressing my thoughts.  It's all outta love!

So, in case you weren't the 'reading' type and you hadn't curled up with your laptop to read my past posts, I decided it was time for a little review...Since this is aimed at men, I am going to make this as direct and to the point as possible.

If you're a single, studly man in your 20's, 30's or whatever age (and chances are good that you are if you're reading this!), give me a moment, will you?

First, a little insight:
1. We ladies spend LOADS of money to look good for you guys - hair, nails, waxing (OUCH!), bargain shopping, gym memberships...the list goes on and on.  Yes, it is for you as well as the other ladies we compete with.

2. We want to feel special and that you care.  It's really quite easy to do...see below.

3. We want to feel like a lady.

4. We know you like the thrill of the chase...SO CHASE US!  :)  We'll give you something to come after.  I promise.

Now, your part:

1. We want you to IMPRESS us.  We want you to look like you took SOME time and effort to look nice for us too.  
   a. Go buy a good pair of jeans!  No saggy, baggy, hole-y, dirty or WAAAAAY out of date (think stone-washed, tapered or carpenter) jeans.
   b. Clean your hands (yes, even under your fingernails)
   c. SHAVE, or at least clean up your facial hair.
   d. Invest in a fashionable, yet versatile, pair of shoes you can wear to take us out.
   e. Get a haircut.

2. Making us feel special doesn't have to involve a lot of time, planning or money...It could be something as simple as a random text that reads, "Hi, (insert sweet word such as Beautiful, Pretty Lady, etc.).  Just wanted to say Hi and hope you're having a good day."  That is guaranteed to bring a smile to our faces that'll light up a room.
(*** If you send this after we've had a huge fight with you, it might not be very effective.  If this is the case, you may want to look into actually spending that time and money and going above and beyond.  I'm just sayin'.)  

Here are a couple more quick and easy 'special' tricks: 
- Buy a single daisy or sunflower (or the favorite flower of your lady)
- Bring us chocolate
- Leave a post-it note on our car or some other place we'll find it with a quick little note from you
- Ask us how our day is or offer help or sympathy if we've had a bad day

3. Making us feel like a lady is similar to, yet different than, making us feel special.  Basically, we just want you to 'be the man' when we're together in situations.  For example, opening doors (car or otherwise), stepping up to the hostess stand, letting us order first, walking closest to the street, etc.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I know the feminist movement has seemingly chased off chivalry and instilled a sense of fear in you.  Based on my extensive research (that may be exaggerated), though, we ladies crave it still!  We just don't need it all of the time - which is a pretty good deal for both parties, right?

Okay, your review is done for now.  Thoughts, comments questions?  Please feel free!  In fact, I encourage it!

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