Friday, July 16, 2010

This is just the beginning...

Gentlemen, this one’s for you…and, no, it’s not a Bud.  If you are reading my blog, you have either decided to take matters into your own hands or some female in your life decided it was time for you to do so.

In the words of the great Bob Dylan – “The times they are a changing” my hairier friends.  We women have raised the bar for ourselves and we’ve come a long way over the past few decades. More and more of us are pursuing higher education so that we may create and maintain our independence. We pursue ambitious careers because of the desire to make a difference in the world.  Along the way, we've learned how to be pretty self-sufficient.
- We manage to make major purchases (like houses and cars, major appliances, and...) on our own.

- We maintain those 'major' purchases on our own.

- We are active on all different levels including infiltrating your sporting world.

- We are intelligent – we’re not simply talking book smart here.

- We are educated – college degrees and higher education are more and more common.

- We lead our own lives – no travel partner?   We’ll grab a gal pal.  No man around to fix the toilet?  We’ll buy a book and figure it out.  No date on Saturday?  We’ll grab a few friends and make our own fun.

- We know how to do our own laundry, fix meals (from scratch), clean, take care of pets and other “typical female household roles.”

- We do all of this and so much more.

What more do we do you ask?  Well, I’m glad you asked because I’m here to tell you.

- We dye our hair at the first sign of grays or roots.

- We have our nails done.

- We have hair waxed from places you wouldn’t DARE.

- We try to keep up with the latest fashions while still maintaining a sense of our own style.

- We purchase all sorts of products to enhance or improve our appearance – make-up, hair products, oral products, and creams for all sorts of purposes, to mention a few.

So, why are you reading this blog? 

Well, hopefully you have realized that at this point in your life, you are old enough to know basic personal care.  We women hope that you are also old enough to realize that we don’t want to have to ‘mother’ you.  Just like we’ve taken a hold of the reigns and made leaps and bounds in the betterment of our lives, we’re hoping you rise to the occasion and do the same for yourselves.

That being said, gentlemen, have a seat in front of your closet with a mirror nearby and start your journey towards impressing (and potentially landing) “Ms. Right!”

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