Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Well hello! Welcome to my blog. I am glad you stumbled upon my site and I do hope you continue to visit and also spread the word!

So, what is this blog about? Well, as a 34 year-old single woman living in Denver, I've had way too much experience dating men who just don't get it. Get what, you ask? IT! Fashion, manners, romance, chivalry...and most importantly, how to deal with an independent, successful, intelligent, self-sufficient woman.

If you're a 30-something single gal reading this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It goes something like this: You meet this seemingly great guy. Sure, he's got a few of those 'flaws' that we women pick apart - doesn't dress fashionably, needs a hair cut, needs to learn how to iron, etc. - but he seems great and has a ton of potential to be *gasp* Mr. Right. A couple of dates in and you're looking at him, wondering, "How in the world are those stone-washed, tapered jeans still sold in stores?" A couple more dates in and, despite your best efforts to reassure him, he's mad at you for not calling soon enough after your yoga class ends! Next thing you know, it's back to the drawing board. Not that you're really all that upset because, face it, it's hard enough keeping up with your own fashion and calling your parents, let alone dressing a man or checking in every 5 minutes. It actually comes as a relief!

If you're a 30-40-something guy reading this, don't get offended. This blog is FOR you! This is so you can keep that amazing woman and not drive her away by smothering her or relying on her to pick out your outfit each day.

So, regardless of who you are, read on...there's bound to be some funny stuff! Not only will I unabashedly insert my own opinions and thoughts, I will be adding in thoughts from my very best friend (who is a guy, who is working on listening to my advice). Believe me, guys AND girls, you're going to want to read what he has to say! Just to preview - remember that scene in Friends where Monica numbers the parts of her body and then goes through the numbers in the order that will get her to the big O? Yeah, that's what my friend can do...:) Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I like it very much!

Anonymous said...

learned a lot